JURKEVICIUTE Ausra Δευ 11 Μαρ, 12:09 μ.μ.
προς εγώ, LEVAQUE
Dear Dr Sotiriou,
Thank you very much for your message of March 1 (attached).
We note that you did not receive the direct reply to your letter sent to the President last year. However, the Civil Society Division informed us that they did reply to your messages of 25 and 26 October 2023 by message of 7 November 2023 (Re. is provided below).
With our message, we would like to assure you that after closing the case SG/E/2021/15 on 17 May 2023, the Complaints Mechanism has been monitoring the implementation of the recommendations and the suggestion for improvement. We request updates from the EIB services working with the Client of the project on a quarterly basis. As of today, we would l ike to note the following:
Regarding recommendation under Point 6.1.1.(i): take any appropriate measures in line with the finance contract […], the Services have agreed with the Client that before any disbursement take place (where part is intended to finance the Erasinos sub-project), it will provide the Bank with a copy of the revised EIA including the revised Appropriate Assessment (AA) of the environmental impacts on the site, in light of the established Site-Specific Conservation Objectives (Art. 6(3) of the Habitats Directive). Also, they agreed that any additional mitigation measures resulting from the above mentioned decision, if the revised AA cannot exclude significant adverse impacts, should be taken. Lastly, the Bank agreed with the Client that Article 4(7) test or assessment of the Water Framework Directive will be conducted. As this agreement took place and is properly recorded, we closed the monitoring of this recommendation as it was taken care of formally and officially.
On the recommendation under Point 6.1.1 (ii) continue to engage with the stakeholders of the Erasinos sub-project to (a) formally agree on a corrective action plan (CAP [..] and (b) provide technical environmental expertise [..], the Complaints Mechanism has not yet received satisfactory evidence of implementation of this recommendation, therefore we continue to monitor. As per the Conclusions Report, the CAP details are provided under Point 6.1.3.
The recommendation under Point 6.1.4: Review the way the Erasinos sub-project is presented in the ESDS [..] has been implemented and therefore we closed the monitoring. Following our recommendation, the EIB services revised some parts of the ESDS, and you will find a modified version of ESDS here. Please note, that the ESDS still contains the date of the meeting of the Board of Directors, where the co-financing for the said operation was approved.
The suggestion for improvement under Point 6.2.1: The EIB E&S procedures currently under review should include a framework that guides the scope of the Bank’s E&S due diligence in EU operations is internal and totally addressed to the EIB. The CM continues to monitor it as well.
We hope that this update provides you with useful information.
Aušra Jurkeviciute Complaints Mechanism@IG/EIB https://attikoparko.blogspot.com/
From: EIB Civil Society Division <civilsociety@eib.org> Sent: Tuesday 07 November 2023 11:32 To: Dimitrios Sotiriou <dimitriossotiriou2@gmail.com> Subject: RE: Letter to Mr Hoyer ...
Dear Mr Sotiriou,
We refer to your message of 25 October 2023 addressed to the European Investment Bank (EIB), inquiring about a letter addressed to the President of the EIB by yourself and the NGO OZON. We also refer to our acknowledgement of receipt of the same date and your follow-up message of 26 October 2023. Your request has been handled on the basis of the EIB Group Transparency Policy (EIB-TP)[1].
We would first like to inform you that we are not aware of the letter mentioned in your message having been received at the EIB. The EIB received a similar letter from other Greek NGOs also related to the Conclusions Report of the EIB Group Complaints Mechanism the Complaint Case SG/E/2021/17 regarding the Erasinos sub-project and responded to it in September 2023.
Notwithstanding the above, please be assured that the EIB takes very seriously and fully supports the recommendations and suggestions for improvement of the Complaints Mechanism’ Conclusions Report regarding your complaint and remains in close contact with the promoter to ensure that these are addressed in compliance with EU environmental law and to the satisfaction of the Bank. As a first step the Bank has already assigned an environmental specialist as part of the project team who will provide technical environmental expertise to the promoter for the effective implementation of the Corrective Action Plan, including the involvement of relevant stakeholders. In line with its standards, the Bank will encourage the promoter to meaningfully engage with relevant stakeholders, especially those who are concerned, and to have an effective mechanism in place for dealing with grievances about the project.
Please note however that the implementation of these recommendations and suggestions for improvement may take some time as they require the intervention of many stakeholders including the promoter who remains responsible for the implementation of the project.
Please also note that, as part of its monitoring function, the EIB Complaints Mechanism (EIB-CM) follows-up with the EIB operational services on a regular basis and monitors implementation by the Bank of the EIB-CM’s recommendations and suggestions for improvement.
We hope you find this information useful and would be grateful if you could share this reply with the other signatories of your letter.
Naturally, we remain at your disposal should you need any further clarifications[2].
Yours sincerely,
EIB Civil society Division
[1] https://www.eib.org/en/publications/eib-group-transparency-policy-2021
2 In line with Article 5.31, EIB-TP, in case of a total or partial refusal following your initial application, you have the right to make a confirmatory application asking the Bank to reconsider its position or lodge a complaint with the EIB Group Complaints Mechanism.
[1] https://www.eib.org/en/publications/eib-group-transparency-policy-2021
[2] In line with Article 5.31, EIB-TP, in case of a total or partial refusal following your initial application, you have the right to make a confirmatory application asking the Bank to reconsider its position or lodge a complaint with the EIB Group Complaints Mechanism.
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Dimitrios Sotiriou <dimitriossotiriou2@gmail.com> To: JURKEVICIUTE Ausra <a.jurkeviciute@eib.org>, LEVAQUE Laurence <l.levaque@eib.org>Cc: Bcc: Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2024 07:30:59 +0000Subject:
To EIB Complaints Mechanism …. Dear Ladies,
For a long time, we have received no information about the position of EIB to the Erasinos antiflood project. The letter addressed to ex EIB president Mr Hoyer has never been answered, one way or another.
Please be kind enough to inform us on any developments since summer 2023. Have the Greek authorities entered a dialogue with EIB instances concerning the necessary modifications that had to be made to the project’s basic documentation? Has the timetable proposed by EIB CM been respected?
With kind regards, ______________________
Ενημερωθήκαν αμέσως όλα τα μέλη της Ομάδας «προστασίας» του Ερασίνου, αλλά δεν υπήρξαν αντιδράσεις.
Ήδη σχεδιάζουμε σειρά ερωτημάτων προς τη δ/νση Δ19 του υπουργείου Υποδομών, προκειμένου να μάθουμε τις απόψεις και της Ελληνικής πλευράς.
Θα επανέλθουμε. |
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